I use a Zidoo Z9X TV box. Here are the steps:
- Root the device
- Follow LinuxDeploy official instructions to install OS. For me, I installed with Ubuntu Bionic (18.04), 4G file size, since disk type does not support more than 4G (if I choose more than 4G, it will fallback to default 2G)
- After installed the OS, login with ssh, switch to root user
sudo -s
- Edit apt source file
vi /etc/apt/sources.list
, add updates linedeb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ bionic-updates main restricted
- Run command
apt update
,apt install update-manager-core
,apt upgrade -y
- Use
to upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04, it would take several steps and some time, following the prompts is OK. Then verify system version withlsb_release -a
Install Certbot
Since snapd is hard to install, i use pip way. Before following the official instructions, we need to install some dependencies:
apt install build-essential python3-pip python3-venv python3-wheel rustc libssl-dev libffi-dev cargo cmake
After installation, it works
# certbot — version
certbot 1.29.0
Setup apache2
Z9X may come with OpenWrt, to use Certbot, change web UI port to some other port other than 80, like